Preparing for Surgery

Please talk with your physician about any daily medications you are currently taking, especially for heart, diabetes or blood pressure problems; be sure to mention over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, Bufferin, Nuprin, Advil or Motrin, as well as diet drugs and herbal remedies.

When to notify your physician

If for any reason you cannot keep your surgical appointment, or you notice the following: you suspect you are pregnant or experience any changes in your health such as a cough, fever or cold, contact your physician immediately.

Laboratory Tests

Your surgeon will determine what lab work and EKGs are needed for surgery and will give you specific instructions regarding this matter. Some testing is available at the Center the day of surgery, should it be ordered.


For safety and protection, you will not be allowed to drive a motor vehicle after surgery. Please arrange for a responsible person to drive you home and remain with you. If the Patient is a child, it is best to have someone along with the driver to help care for the child on the trip home.

Two or Three Days Prior to Surgery

A member of our staff will call you several days prior to your surgery date to complete a preoperative telephone interview, confirm arrival and surgery times and answer any questions you may have.

The Night Before Surgery

  • For your safety, please do not eat or drink anything after 12:00 midnight (including water) the night before your surgery, unless instructed by our Center personnel. This includes hard candy, gum, or prescription medications (unless ordered by your physician). EXCEPTION: Bowel preps for GI Surgery.
  • Bathe or shower the night before or morning of surgery to minimize the chance of infection.
  • Teeth may be brushed, but DO NOT swallow water.
  • Refrain from smoking after midnight on the night before your surgery.